One Health

One Health is a transdisciplinary, multisectoral and collaborative approach to optimizing health that recognizes the interrelatedness of human health, animal health and the environment. Though the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the zoonotic virus SARS-CoV-2, is the highest profile example, the emergence and spread of numerous diseases are impacted by humans’ proximity to and relationship with animals, climate and the environment.

Endemic diseases like malaria, multidrug-resistant bacteria or diarrhea and emerging infections like COVID-19, Ebola or Zika can cause significant, detrimental impacts to Soldiers from home station to dense, urban or subterranean environments. Furthermore, they significantly impact food security, the environment and more, threatening global health and stability.

The WRAIR One Health Branch (OHB) uses a transdisciplinary, collaborative approach to identify capability gaps and synchronize research solutions to achieve optimal Soldier readiness and enhance global health security. The OHB will leverage WRAIR’s strengths to pursue innovative, collaborative and multidisciplinary projects to produce proactive solutions for health threats that occur at the human, animal and environmental interface, including zoonotic and vector-borne infectious diseases. For more information, contact us here


Research Areas

Cross-disciplinary Research

Wound Infection PhotoOHB seeks to join WRAIR’s historic competencies in viral and bacterial diseases, entomology, global research and more with external partners to support innovative, proactive solutions to prevent emerging health threats to Soldiers and the world.


Diarrheal Diseases Photo

OHB unites internal and external capabilities to pursue cross-disciplinary grants and additional funding to produce relevant, translational research and products.


MRSN PhotoOHB organizes, provides or promotes trainings aimed to improve awareness of a One Health approach and equip scientists with the tools to break down walls between disciplines.