Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major threat to the readiness of our Soldiers. U.S. Service Members face a higher risk of TBI, both in scope and frequency, than civilians. Brain Trauma and Neuroprotection (BTN) has long sought an FDA approved neuroprotective agent for TBI along with TBI biomarker discovery, research efforts that continue to this day.

With valuable industry partners, BTN is also researching many unique therapies to address brain injury, including enhancing cellular energetics, introducing neural stem cells and autologous cell therapies, and developing other neuroprotective strategies to improve outcomes after TBI.


Research Areas


Wound Infection PhotoSince no FDA-approved therapy exists for TBI and TBI is second only to hemorrhage as a major combat injury, BTN brought together the Operation Brain Trauma Therapy (OBTT) consortium, comprised of military, academic and industry partners, to characterize the most promising therapies for TBI through valid and reproducible testing of neuroprotectants.

TBI Biomarker Discovery and Development

Diarrheal Diseases PhotoMilitary personnel are at increased risk of TBI and TBI increases the risk for neurodegenerative pathologies. Molecules from the injured brain enter into blood and spinal fluid. These biomarkers have led to a new diagnostic for mild TBI. Future research will validate how these biomarkers can benefit more diagnostics and therapeutics for acute TBI and downstream outcomes of injury. 

Aligning Clinical Practice Guidelines with Acute TBI Care

Diarrheal Diseases PhotoHemorrhage is a leading cause of combat casualties and often occurs in conjunction with TBI. Clinical practice guidelines for hemorrhage may be contraindicated for TBI patients. BTN is researching, through preclinical TBI outcome testing, how such blood loss mitigation practices may be adjusted for more optimal care of complex injuries.