Research Transition Office (RTO) is the DOD’s gold standard for transitioning health-related research to the field by developing, evaluating, and disseminating knowledge products for Soldiers and their families in partnership with key stakeholders such as Army Resiliency Directorate (ARD; HQDA, G-1), Army Office of the Surgeon General, the Military Operational Medicine Research Program (MOMRP), and the Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC).

Historically, RTO has stood on the cutting edge of refining resilience and performance enhancement training modules to ensure that Soldiers receive optimal material at critical points in their career including Initial Military Training (IMT), Cadet Summer Training, and Professional Military Education (PME) courses. Currently, RTO and its partners are working to validate iCOVER, a training built in collaboration with the Israeli Defense Force to provide a rapid peer-based strategy to manage acute stress reaction in military units, and Mindfulness-Based Attention Training (MBAT), to determine if mindfulness can enhance operational performance, behavioral health, and sleep under high-stress training conditions. Recently, RTO also expanded its purview to support other research domains, studying the use of brain health devices during deployments and Service Member vaccine usage in high-risk environments.

RTO bridges the gulf between laboratory and field to advance relevant and effective research to safeguard and enhance Soldier readiness and lethality.