WRAIR #2262 Transcranial Electrical Stimulation During Sleep
This study is to determine if brain stimulation using weak electrical currents during sleep will result in more refreshing sleep and better alertness while awake.
Duration: approximately two weeks (1 week at home)
Max Compensation: $2,737
- ✔ MUST be 18-39 years old
- ✔ MUST test negative for alcohol, nicotine, and illegal drugs
- ✘ CANNOT have current or history of sleeping problems
- ✘ CANNOT take certain prescription medicines (birth control allowed)
- NOTE: active duty military and federal personnel must be on leave status
Study brochure
WRAIR #2852 Transcranial Electrical Stimulation During Wake
This study is to determine if brain stimulation using weak electrical currents during sleep loss will result in more refreshing sleep and better alertness while awake.
Duration: approximately two weeks (1 week at home)
Max Compensation: $2,737
- ✔ MUST be 18-39 years old
- ✔ MUST test negative for alcohol, nicotine, and illegal drugs
- ✘ CANNOT have current or history of sleeping problems
- ✘ CANNOT take certain prescription medicines (birth control allowed)
NOTE: active duty military and federal personnel must be on leave status
2852 Flyer
WRAIR #2804 Effects of Sleep Loss on Brain Physiology
The purpose of this research study is to study the physiological effects of sleep loss on human brain physiology.
Duration: approximately 8 weeks (5 weeks at home)
Max Compensation: $10,846
- ✔ MUST be 18-39 years old, and in good health
- ✔ MUST test negative for alcohol, nicotine, illegal drugs
- ✘ CANNOT have a history of sleeping problems
- ✘ CANNOT be pregnant or breastfeeding
- ✘ CANNOT take certain prescription medicines (birth control allowed)
NOTE: active duty military and federal personnel must be on leave status for in-lab portions of study
2804 Flyer
WRAIR #2997 Sleep Strategies for Overcoming Fatigue and Maximizing Performance
The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of different sleep strategies, including overnight sleep and daytime naps, on alertness, mood, and performance.
Duration: approximately 3 weeks (2 weeks at home)
Max Compensation: $2,755
- ✔ MUST be 18-39 years old
- ✔ MUST have learned English by age 5
- ✔ MUST test negative for alcohol, nicotine, and illegal drugs
- ✘ CANNOT have current or history of sleeping problems
- ✘ CANNOT be pregnant or breastfeeding
- ✘ CANNOT take certain prescription medicines (birth control allowed)
- NOTE: Active duty military and federal personnel must be on leave status for in-lab portions of study
Study Advertisement
WRAIR #2950 Role 1 Performance Study
This study is to evaluate the effects of three FDA-approved drugs on cognitive and motor performance under stress.
Duration: Three daytime lab visits within an approximately 1-month period
Max Compensation: $1,202
- ✔ MUST be 18-40 years old
- ✔ MUST have fear of spiders
- ✔ MUST test negative for alcohol and drugs (including cannabis)
- ✔ MUST live within a 20-mile radius from WRAIR in Silver Spring, MD
- ✘ CANNOT be pregnant or breastfeeding
- ✘ CANNOT take certain prescription medications (birth control allowed)
NOTE: Active-duty military and federal personnel must be on leave status for the three lab visits.
Study Flyer