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Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)
Search Walter Reed Army Institute of Research:
Search Walter Reed Army Institute of Research:
About Us
Command Sergeant Major
Mission and Vision
Biomedical Research
Center for Infectious Disease Research
Bacterial Diseases
Multidrug-Resistant Organism Repository and Surveillance Network
About MRSN
Diagnostics and Countermeasures
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Experimental Therapeutics
Military HIV Research Program
Biologics Research & Development
One Health
Viral Diseases
Center for Military Psychiatry and Neuroscience
CMPN Training Products
Deployment Cycle Resilience Training
Behavioral Biology
Blast Induced Neurotrauma
Brain Trauma Neuroprotection
Medical Readiness Systems Biology
Military Psychiatry
Research Transition Office
Global Research
Medical Standards Analytics and Research
Library Archival Collection
Pilot Bioproduction Facility
Statistics and Epidemiology
Veterinary Services
Human Subjects Protection
Leishmania Diagnostics Laboratory
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Press Releases
Could a virus be the cure? Phage-hunters search contaminated waters for bacteria-targeting viruses
How the DoD's One Health Initiative Enabled Three Scientists to Chart Their Career Paths
Researchers commemorate HIV Vaccine Awareness Day with showcase event
BBB Infographic provides sleep hygiene tips for Warfighters
Behavioral Health training adds new GEAR for combat medics
Retired SMA Grinston highlights Army Emergency Relief Fund and the importance of mentorship
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research hosts Family and Child VIP Day
Navrongo Integrated Surveillance Project: DOD promotes STEM and One Health Concept in Ghana classroom
WRAIR’s Aquatics Lab Helps Identify Potential Sepsis Drug Candidates
Warrior Mindset video focuses on mental skills development
Col. Eli Lozano accepts WRAIR command responsibilities
Leaders discuss capabilities and collaborations during Royal Thai Army Medical Department visit
Army Reserve Medics Provide Caregiver, Laboratory, Logistical Support for D.C. Sites
Readiness through Defense Health
WRAIR WELCOMES, Capt. John R. Resch, New HHC Commander
Inspiring future epidemiologist through Army Educational Outreach Program
With 'Capability Days', USAMRDC charts course for future success
WRAIR welcomes new CSM in change of responsibility ceremony
New Army brand redefines 'Be All You Can Be' for a new generation
Army Medical Development teams demonstrate latest tech to Dwight D. Eisenhower School visitors
AFRIMS attend Royal Thai Army Medical Department celebration
U.S. Military HIV Research Lends Lessons Learned to COVID-19, HIV
Squad leaders gain new insight through Army course.
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Implements SARS-CoV-2 Genome Sequencing
Researchers highlight latest advances during American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene meeting
The Cryo-EM
Disabled vet's story helps build an equitable workforce
Army doctor conducts presentation on prenatal Zika study at Infectious Disease Week
U.S. Military HIV Research Program launches RV575 HIV Research Study
WRAIR leaders meet with Smithsonian Institution executives
Members and families honor first-responders during 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb
Malaria vaccine candidate safe and immunogenic following first-in-human trials
WRAIR Holds "O" Day Carnival
SLEEP education, good leadership may help Army solve its sleeping problem
Master Sgt. Matthew Lewis becomes HHC First Sergeant of WRAIR
U.S. Army Deputy Surgeon General visits WRAIR
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research celebrates the Army 247th Birthday
WRAIR and partners develop Nigeria’s first-ever malaria slide bank
Soldiers Compete in 2nd Annual Strongman/Strongwoman Event
WRAIR Scientist Recognized with Annual Distinguished Civilian Service Award
AFRIMS Celebrates 60 Years of Partnership with Royal Thai Army
Celebrating Medical Laboratory Professionals Week
Sept. 12, 2024
Could a virus be the cure? Phage-hunters search contaminated waters for bacteria-targeting viruses
News & Media
ArticleCS - Dashboard
Could a virus be the cure? Phage-hunters search contaminated waters for bacteria-targeting viruses
194 days ago
How the DoD's One Health Initiative Enabled Three Scientists to Chart Their Career Paths
214 days ago
Researchers commemorate HIV Vaccine Awareness Day with showcase event
267 days ago